3/3 Meeting with NDC and PPPI

NDC (National Development Company) is a development and investment agency directly under the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) of the Philippines and is a major state-owned enterprise that invests in diverse industries and serves as an effective catalyst for inclusive growth. As a government investment agency, it has contributed to the revitalization of the country’s industries by continuously supporting ventures and supporting various projects.
Please check here to read our recent announcement of the partner appointment ceremony with NDC.
Click here for the official HP

From the left ; General Manager of NDC, Mr. Antonilo DC. Mauricio ; CEO of junca Holdings, Dr. Hisayuki Nagatome
NDC and junca Holdings have partnered to further expand the possibilities for partnership and collaboration with partner companies and shared the latest status of the project in order to contribute to economic development. NDC, which is directly under the DTI, also welcomed this project as a way to attract investment to the Philippines and to provide the Philippines with the latest technology. In addition, General Manager of NDC, Mr. Antonilo DC. Mauricio introduced the members of the NDC team that will be organized to further advance the project. In the future, the junca Platform Project will be further subdivided into smaller projects, and partnerships will be formed with each project to further deepen the project and contribute to solving social problems and economic development.

The Philippine Pharma Procurement, Inc. (PPPI) formerly known as PITC Pharma, Inc. (PPI), is a subsidiary of the Philippine International Trading Corporation (PITC) and an affiliate of the National Development Company (NDC). It is the only pharmaceutical government owned and controlled corporation (GOCC) tasked to provide low priced quality ensured medicines to the Filipino people and to which the pharmaceutical operation of PITC was transferred to.
Click here for the official HP

We had a meeting with the Philippine Pharma Procurement, Inc. (PPPI) President and CEO, Mr. Atty. Benjamin C. De Los Santos, and Vice President for Administration, Ms. Josefina Leona O. Riel. Riel to share information about the project. We discussed the potential of the Philippines, with its high economic growth rate, skilled people, and youthful energy, and how junca Holdings’ unique global network can be leveraged to ensure that medical supplies reach the people in the right way at the right time. PPPI also believes that the digitalization of healthcare is a key to the future, and we will continue to share information and explore ways to contribute to the medical services in the future.
junca Holdings will continue to promote its efforts based on the philosophy that “contributing to economic reforms in Asia will lead to world peace”. Thank you for your continued support.
2023, 3/9
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